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4/25/10~ Xander, as I sit here I can feel you asleep in my arms like you were 5 months ago only you were alive and breathing on me...oh how I wish that was so darling we miss you more than I can even express but mommy and daddy take comfort in knowing you are healed and with Jesus in glorious heaven.

I love you my darling

4/17/10 ~ My Xander man,

I thought of you a lot today. Your cousins came for a visit and it just felt like someone was missing. I believe that both you and grandma were with us as we spent time together. I know you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and will forever be in my heart!

I love you baby boy!

4/6/2010~ Beautiful outside today...your brother and sister loved playing with the sidewalk chalk.  I couldn't help but see you in my mind's eye trying so hard to climb the slide like you did last summer.  Honey we miss you so much. Daddy put a cross with red flowers in the front yard in your memory right beside Grandma Lowe's..can you see it from heaven?  We hope so!  Remember we will always remember you darling...


3/26/2010 ~ 4 long months since you left today. Mommy finds herself at a loss...of how to cope without you, answering your brother and sister's questions, and generally just trying to keep moving on to make a life without you but always remembering you. What mommy wouldn't do to have you come home again my darling....

I hope that you are having fun in heaven (give grandma and Baylee kisses for us)

I love you!


I thought of you today as the sun was shining and so beautiful here today. Mommy felt you were smiling down on all of us who love you so very much. We all miss you more than words can ever express. In fact whenever momma tries to all I do is think of your last day...darlin if only mommy knew...maybe God wanted you so fast so that we (daddy and I) wouldn't have to face difficult decisions regarding your health in the near future? I will always wonder what could have been different for you, us ..your health ...basically everything. I know you wouldn't want mommy feeling like I failed you as a mommy.  I will always remember all your sweet smiles...and your laughter...even how you began to I miss you so much...I will love you until the end of my own time here and I get to see you again someday in paradise with all those who went before me.

Love forever,

Your mom
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